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Jul 31, 2022

These verses from Jeremiah 20 have been often quoted as a reason for memorizing Scripture:

Jer. 20:9 NLT But if I say I’ll never mention the LORD
or speak in his name,
his word burns in my heart like a fire.
It’s like a fire in my bones!
I am worn out trying to hold it in!
I can’t do it!

Remember the...

Jul 30, 2022

In yesterday’s reading, we again heard some often-quoted verses. These verses come just after verses in chapter 17 where the Lord himself beautifully paraphrased Psalm 1:

Jer. 17:9 GNT “Who can understand the human heart?
There is nothing else so deceitful;
it is too sick to be healed.
10 I, the Lord,...

Jul 29, 2022

One catches so clearly how trapped Jeremiah was in the time of God’s judgment, and how hot God’s anger was against Judah. Jeremiah’s audience would not have appreciated him telling them where the Lord said they could ‘go’! No wonder he so often weeps and cries out in despair. God’s verdict in...

Jul 28, 2022


Yesterday the dialog between the Lord and Jeremiah continued. We heard of the drought. And the Lord forbid Jeremiah to pray for the people of Judah.

PSALM 145:
This is an acrostic psalm in Hebrew, and it gives us a great place to start when praising God.

Let’s not allow the chapter...

Jul 27, 2022

In yesterday’s reading, Jeremiah complained to the Lord,

12:1 GNT “Lord, if I argued my case with you,
you would [be shown//prove] to be right.
Yet I must question you about matters of justice.
Why are the wicked so prosperous?
Why do dishonest people succeed?

And the Lord replied in an answer that bears...