Feb 2, 2025
EXODUS 15-16:
Yesterday in our reading in Exodus, we heard
that because of the Passover plague which killed Egypt's firstborn,
God claimed the firstborn of Israel for all time to come. Then we
heard of Pharaoh's final hardening of his heart, and the parting of
the red sea.
JOB 38:
the 6 chapters before this, Elihu has said that God uses multiple
means of communication with humans. He maintained that God is just,
and said that Job— in his despair, had gone too far in saying it
doesn't make any difference if one tries to serve God. He said that
God is amazing in His power, and God does notice and punish the
wicked. Then it so happened that as Elihu was speaking, a storm was
blowing up that showed God's awesome majesty. Then— in today’s
chapter, the Lord answers Job, not the last speaker,
Yesterday in 2nd Peter we heard that we can
employ God's promises to supply power for godly living. This power
can even enable us to share in God's own nature, thereby escaping
the world's corruption. For many years I was disappointed in Peter
because he did not tell us WHICH promises we need to claim to
escape worldly corruption and evil desires. I have concluded that
everyone is different, and what works for me may not work for you.
But if you are interested in what works for me, I recommend a seven
day YouVersion reading plan I made called Buckling the Belt of
There is a stark contrast between chapter 2 of 2nd Peter and the end of chapter 1. So before we start our readings for today, let me remind you what we read at the end of chapter 1.