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Jun 30, 2022

1KINGS 11-12:
Yesterday we heard interesting glimpses of Solomon's international relations and commerce. Notably, the queen of Sheba came to listen to Solomon's wisdom and to ask questions of him.

PSALM 119:129-144:
How precious the Word of God is to us! A favorite verse from yesterday’s portion is verse 127: “I love...

Jun 29, 2022

1KINGS 9-10:
The temple was completed! And yesterday we heard Solomon’s very wise prayer asking God to fulfill his promises and help the people of Israel. In his prayer, he recognized that the people of Israel would not be able to remain faithful to the Lord, but that they would sin and then need to repent. Solomon...

Jun 28, 2022

Yesterday we heard lots and lots of details about the building of the temple. A man from Tyre, Huram, must have been an efficient and artistic technician in working with bronze casting. He corresponds to the two craftsmen who designed and constructed the first tabernacle.

PSALM 119:97-112:
Again we are focussing...

Jun 27, 2022

1KINGS 6-7:
Yesterday we heard of the incredible size and wealth of Solomon's dominion. His wisdom in the organization is evident. During his reign, Israel was prosperous as never before or afterward. Solomon contracted with King Hiram of Sidon to get the materials needed for the construction of the temple.


Jun 26, 2022

1KINGS 4-5:
Yesterday we heard David's final instructions to Solomon. They contained a few messy details, and Solomon managed to finish all of those issues. David noted Solomon's wisdom as he gave him those instructions, and later Solomon (at his finest hour) asked God for wisdom to rule the nation of Israel well, and...