Jun 26, 2022
1KINGS 4-5:
Yesterday we heard David's final instructions to Solomon. They
contained a few messy details, and Solomon managed to finish all of
those issues. David noted Solomon's wisdom as he gave him those
instructions, and later Solomon (at his finest hour) asked God for
wisdom to rule the nation of Israel well, and God gave it to
PSALM 119:65-80
God is telling us how important His Word is! I highlight this verse
(62) from yesterday’s portion, “In the middle of the night I wake
up to praise you for your righteous judgments.”
We turn for the second time to JOHN
Yesterday we heard of Jesus healing a man who had been sick for 38
years. Persecution ramped up because this healing was done on the
Sabbath. Jesus replied to his critics, “My Father is always
working, and so am I.”
Translation notes:
28 Do not be surprised at this; the time is coming when all the
dead will hear [the voice of the Son of Man, my voice,//his